Cancer, Its Causes, Symptoms & Treatment , According to Homeopathic Medicine
Giving The Result of Over 40 Years Experience In Homeopathic Medical Treatment, of this Disease by Dr Eli G. Jones, MD (USA)
Based On The Book Written by Dr Eli G Jones, MD (USA)
Surgery Not A Cure For Cancer
There are about 50,000 people who die of cancer in the United States annually. From my own experience in the treatment of cancer in all its form, for forty years, I feel confident that ninety-five percent of these cases could have been saved without an operation. Over the tombstones of the most of them might be written, " Butchered in the name of science"
For the past 200 years the great mass of the medical profession have considered cancer as a local disease and they have made it their practice to cut out everything that looks like a cancer.
Dr.Waslsh, in his able work on cancers, says: "The knife can neither be regarded as a means of curing cancer or pronologing the exixtence of the person afficted with the disease."
Dr.Thomas W.Cooke, Surgeon of the Cancer Hospital, London, England , Says:
" From 1851 to 1863 there were 413 cases of cancer operated on at the Cancer Hospital, London,England. The everage time before the cancer returned was only 6 1/2 months."
Dr. Monroe, of Scotland, opreated on "sixty cases of cancer; at the end of two years only four out of the sixty operations were successful".
In 1896 I kept record of fifty cases of cancer of the tongue that had been operated upon, and not a single cure was effected.
Dr. James Wood of the Royal College, London, said :
"Gentlement, I have operated on some thousand cases of cancer and they all returned but six and they were not cancer."
Sir Benjamin Broddie (one of the fathers in surgery) said, after he had removed 500 cancers of the breast, that "he would not removed another without telling the patient that the operation would not prolong her life".
Sir James Paget, one of England's greatest physicians,says in speaking of cancer does not return is not more than one in five hundres. In my own practice about four out of five cases of cancer had returned worse than it was before.
About one hundred years ago the early fathers of the botanic school of Medicine considered cancer as a blood or constitutional disease and treated is as such and cured it. No form of purely local treatment will never cure this malady, because it is in the blood and must be reached through the blood.
in 1869 I treated my first case of cancer. I called it a blood disease. I treated it with our simple botanic remedies and cured it.
In this States, I saw a case of cancer of the breast that had been operated on three times, the last time the surgeon made a through examination with a microscope, after the operation, and told the lady that she would ' guarantee that the cancer would never return'. In six months the cancer was doing business at the old stand.
I saw a case of cancer of the breast from New York State that had been cut out eight times and the disease had returned worse than ever.
May God hasten the day when it will be considered a crime to cut out a cancer after 43 years of experience with cancer I can honestly say that I have never seen one genuine case of cancer permenantly cured by a surgical operation. To cut out a cancer is the worst form a malpractice, for it is only trying to remove the effect without touching the cause, from an extensive correspondence with physicians from every States in the Union, I find that the rank and file of the profession are tired and disgusted with operation of cancer for they have seen them return time and time gain.
They are more than anxious to find a better and saner method of treatment for cancer that offers at least some hope of a cure....
Is There No Medicine For Cancer ? Is Cancer Curable In Homeopathy ?
Cancer like other diseases is curable in Homeopathy. Why and how ? To understand this, one has to understand the basic principle of homeopathy. According to the principle of cure in Homeopathy, there is nothing that is incurable provided there is sufficient energy 'Vital Force' in the patient at the time of taking to or restorting to homeopathic treatment.
According to homeopathic scientists, without the cause, there cannot be a disease. So the cause should be traced. If we find out the root of the disease than there must be a medicine for it.
Believe me, there are million of people who suffered from cancer and died beacuse they dont know where get the medicine for cancer and they dont know where to find the healer, they dont know what is homeopathy, they dont know what is alternative medicine, and what alternative medicine can offer for curing cancer.
"So unfortunate that the patient died and buried in the graveyard, where as on the top of their grave, lying the herbs and medicines for cancer !!"
Some Ignorant Dont Believe On Homeopathy ?
We dont ask anybody to believe homeopathy. The greatest mistake done with some allopathic physician is that, they advised not to take homeopathic medication or some special herbs preparation for cancer, where as they have 'no medicine ' to offer.
Should the patient wait for their destiny without trying anything.
[ Menunggu saat kematian tanpa mencuba apa-apa perawatan ? ]
Some ignorant scholar always keep on argue, what can homeopathy do for cancer?
They will say - nothing that homeopathy can do, but why should we deny the research and cases record that the homeopathic doctors have done for hundred of years in the field of treating cancer with homeopathy.
( See Case Record througout the world next MENU )
But if your family is having cancer, why not try homeopathic medication. It is worth trying, as homeopathic treatment is a natural method which has no side effect at all. But the result is very good.
No body can stop death (kematian) but at least we are giving some hope to the patients.
Homeopathic Clinic Dealing With Cancer Cases in Malaysia
In Kelantan:
Hospital Homeopathy Nik Omar No.122 Taman Universiti, Kg Gelang Mas Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Homeopathic Doctor In Charge:
1. Prof Dr Nik Omar Web: 2. Dr Hajjah Zaharah Web: 3. Prof Mohd Nasir Md Zain 4. Prof Che Musa Mohammad
Tel: 09-7972948 or Prof Nik 019-9401915
Kuala Lumpur
Homeopathic Medical Centre No. 128 A & B, Jalan Raja Abdullah [ Infront of Masjid Kg Baru ] 50300 Kuala Lumpur.
Homeopathic Doctor In Charge:
1. Prof Dr Nik Omar & 2. Dr Hajjah Faridah
Tel: 03-26926549 or 019-9401915
Kita Berusaha - Allah Menyembuhkan
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Our Motto: We will do our best to help the patient - InsyaAllah
We dont promised to cure cancer, but we will do our best to help every cancer patient with homeopathic medication and therapy. - Prof Nik Omar
Our Master Web - Homeopathic Malaysia
